Setup an iOS development environment in a few steps

3 min readMar 31, 2020
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Environment is essentially important for us. It has to cater all the basic needs that individual required. Unfortunately, most of us today on this earth are experiencing a crisis which caused by one type of viruses. The environment that we used to live in is fading away during the process of practising social distancing, self-isolation. Instead, virtual party, online auction, 3D tour etc are getting popular at the moment that I am typing.

I started working from home 2weeks ago, along with all the other colleagues. Without monitor, my development work environment just feel sucks. I decided to turn my big Mac to be my second work place. So, here we go, let’s set up a proper development environment for a mobile developer.

Step 1 - Xcode

First thing first, download Xcode on Mac.


If you do not have access to apple developer website, do not worry, go to AppStore and search for Xcode.

Up to this point, I assume that you have an AppleID registered already.

Go ahead and download the latest version of Xcode.

Step 2 -Homebrew

Just admit it, be a developer, i am happy to see that everything can be done automagically. If you are wondering what Homebrew does, Google it later. For now, copy the following command to terminal and run it

/usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL diana"

The following screenshot is what you should be expecting

Step 3 -Shell

Most of the developers like to make their Terminal fancy. I am not a big fan of decorating but do like the idea of being productive.

Go to and install ZSH by typing the command in terminal

curl -Lo

Should you have any questions, check out : .

Step 4 -Github Account

Create a Github free account. You will need it when working on your own projects.

Step 5 -Reveal

When you need to investigate and debug , have a clear view hierarchy will be a great help. Check this tool out and see if you like it.

Step 6 -Cheatsheet

Android Studio/Xcode shortcut cheetsheet

Completed !!

Thank you for checking this article up. And don’t forget to give it some claps! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 if you found it helpful.💡

